Saturday, October 24, 2009


Seo pictiúir do sna páistí le dathú. Here is a picture for the children to colour.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Traein Mór ag Teacht

Traein mór ag teacht,
Tá traein mór ag teacht,
Fág an bealach, coinnigh isteach,
Tá traein mór ag teacht!

Big train on the way,
There's big train on the way,
Out of the way - stay out of the way,
There's a big train on the way!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Oíche Shamhna

Tá oiche shamhna ag teacht is tá na páistí ag súil leis an spórt is sprí. Seo amhrán atá á cheoil ag na páistí sa naíonra.
Halloween is coming and the children are anticipating the fun and games to come.
Here is the song the children are singing in the naíonra.

Oiche Shamna, Oiche Shamna,
Geallach mór go hard sa spéir,
Cailleach Gránna is and Cat mór dubh,
Pota damhain dríochta,
" Meoow meoow meoow" arsan Cat mór dubh,
" Meeeeooowú",
Sciathán leathar is cnónna abú, ooooooooooo BOO!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nígh na Lámha

Tá amhrán in usáid againn sa naíonra leis na páistí nuair atá siad ag nigh na lámha. We are very aware of the need for cleanliness at this time with the possibility of flu being passed on by all to one another. We would just like to re-assure parents that we are teaching the children the importance of cleaning their hands before eating according to Health Board regulations. Here I have posted the song we use with children.

Nigh na lámha, nigh na lámha, lámha beaga mína,
Nigh na lámha, nigh na lámha, is gheobhaidh tú féirín Dé hAoine.

Cuimil na lámha, cuimil na lámha, lámha beaga mína,
Cuimil na lámha, cuimil na lámha, is gheobhaidh tú féirín Dé hAoine.

Triomaigh na lámha, triomaigh na lámha, lámha beaga mína,
Triomaigh na lámha, triomaigh na lámha, is gheobhaidh tú féirín Dé hAoine.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Events Update

8th Oct. Bhí siúilóid againn, i rith na seachtaine, amuigh i gCois Bá. Bhí spórt is sprí agus canadh ag na páistí go leir. Rinne na páistí crann le na duilleoga a bhailimid. Is féidir é fhéiceail anseo.

I would like to report that a great day was had by all when we went on our autumnal walk. Many leaves were gathered and games and songs played and sung. We went to the green area behind the church in Bayside and finally returned to the naionra, two by two singing on our way back.
We have just completed an artistic tree in the naíonra adorned with the leaves that were gathered.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Amhrán an Chrann

Síon do lámha suas thar do cheann,
Cas thar timpeall uair amháin,
Dean luasca beag anuan is anall,
Síos le do lámha , síos go mall.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Amhrán an séisiúir

Duilleoga deasa ag titim, ag titim, ag titim.

Duilleoga deasa ag titim, ag titim anuas ón spéir!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Events Timetable

Timetable for the forthcoming year is available for anyone who needs one. It will let you know the planned holidays and also any events happening in the naíonra. For example we will be bringing the children out on nature walks, one for each of the seasons and will be looking for volunteers to accompany the children.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Start of a New Year

Welcome to all newcomers this year at naionra cois ba. As the year goes on I will be putting information on this site ,that may interest any who have a desire to explore what reading material/games are available in irish for the very young. Also what events may be taking place in the near future in the naionra and hopefully outside.